Never find again the freedom...
Я хренею... клиент даже не догадывается откуда я услышала это слово... я просто спросила, что оно значит... надеюсь к одной из наших любимых песен это отноешния не имеет...
But just to cure your curiosity about Rhodesia, here it goes: Rhodesia is the country which is known as Zimbabwe today. Actually, there were two "rhodesias": North Rhodesia (Zambia today) and South Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). In the beginning and mid part of the 19th century, southern Africa was concured by the British and the Dutch. The Dutch stayed in the very most southern part of the continent and proclaimed independece for certain areas in what today is the Republic of South Africa. However, the British, lead by a very excentric man named Cecil Rhodes looked further north. Mr Rhodes planned to build a railway that connected the whole african continent from north to south. From Cairo in Egypt to Cape Town in south Africa. After the Boer war (between british and dutch colonists 1900-1903), Cecil Rhodes proclaimed independence from the British Empire for the areas north of South Africa, known as "Great Zimbabwe". The name of this new nation was Rhodesia. In 1979-80 the ZANU liberation movement, lead by Mr Robert Mugabe, proclaimed themselves as winners of a almost 10 year long guerilla war, and furthermore changed the name of the country back to it's original matabele name: Zimbabwe.
Блин... это было единственное, что я смогла найти в словаре...
Норди... я в шоке... о_О... скажи, что я не так написала слово просто или что у него есть другой перевод... а то Уэда окажется мутнее мутного...
P.S. Пришлось протереть клиенту мозг на тему КАТТУНят... хорошо, что эта девочка не захочет сним встречаться... у него дети... я урод... я заморочила мозги даже клиентам...
But just to cure your curiosity about Rhodesia, here it goes: Rhodesia is the country which is known as Zimbabwe today. Actually, there were two "rhodesias": North Rhodesia (Zambia today) and South Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). In the beginning and mid part of the 19th century, southern Africa was concured by the British and the Dutch. The Dutch stayed in the very most southern part of the continent and proclaimed independece for certain areas in what today is the Republic of South Africa. However, the British, lead by a very excentric man named Cecil Rhodes looked further north. Mr Rhodes planned to build a railway that connected the whole african continent from north to south. From Cairo in Egypt to Cape Town in south Africa. After the Boer war (between british and dutch colonists 1900-1903), Cecil Rhodes proclaimed independence from the British Empire for the areas north of South Africa, known as "Great Zimbabwe". The name of this new nation was Rhodesia. In 1979-80 the ZANU liberation movement, lead by Mr Robert Mugabe, proclaimed themselves as winners of a almost 10 year long guerilla war, and furthermore changed the name of the country back to it's original matabele name: Zimbabwe.
Блин... это было единственное, что я смогла найти в словаре...
Норди... я в шоке... о_О... скажи, что я не так написала слово просто или что у него есть другой перевод... а то Уэда окажется мутнее мутного...
P.S. Пришлось протереть клиенту мозг на тему КАТТУНят... хорошо, что эта девочка не захочет сним встречаться... у него дети... я урод... я заморочила мозги даже клиентам...
по-моему по такой пьянке следует почитать текст песни)